Monday, 6 July 2009

Living in Finland

Things which are popular in Finland:
- Licorice
- Sausage dogs
- Frowning
- Walking Poles
- Sitting opposite strangers on the train when there is enough space not to
- Weather (it is the whole front page of the newspaper each day)
- Coffee
- Kebabburgers and Kebabpizzas
- Raindeer meat
- The truth
- Visiting one's relatives
- Rye Bread
- Empathy
- Precision
- Moomins
- Forests
- Plaits
- Renting
- Second hand stores

Things which are not:
- Vegetables
- Facial expressions
- Interrupting
- Spontaneity
- 'Trend' fashion
- Talking on public transport
- Flashiness/ boasting
- Short skirts
- Exaggerating
- Sandwiches