Sunday 10 March 2013

World Book Day: Teacher's Costumes and Activites

It wasn't just the kids who had fun dressing up for book day! We teachers did, too! In the above photo: Scrooge, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, A pair of pants from 'More Pants' (me), and a butterfly from 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'.

In the photo below: a Maasai from 'The Warrior and the Moon', me (again), Cleopatra, Katniss Everdeen from 'The Hunger Games', and the butterfly (again).

In our classes we did different activities related to the book we came dressed from. I had the kids make underpant crowns and necklaces. Here they are, hard at work!

 And the necklaces:
 Several boys from my class last year worked together to create this masterpiece: they wanted me to be wearing as many pairs of pants as possible!

Later in we had several 'experts' running workshops. I ran the creative writing workshop for years five and six. We drew out a grid for 36 possible things we could include in a story, and then worked in pairs to create a story of a particular genre by rolling dice. The kids had fun and the best stories are going in the school newsletter.

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